SquadLocker Team Gear: Not Just For The Big Leagues Any More

July 20, 2016

Brooke Tomasetti

Maybe it sounds over-ambitious, but at SquadLocker, we're not simply trying to build a good -or even great- team gear store. We believe we could change how custom apparel is ordered everywhere, in every field. Right now, we offer a truly one-of-a-kind service that we honestly believe could become the basis for many other businesses in the future who adopt our model.


The SquadLocker way of ordering custom team gear is a massive leap forward over older ways of obtaining custom clothes, gear, footwear, and other items. It's faster, it's easier, and it's often far less expensive Even better, it means that even small or independent squads can afford to carry the same huge variety of high-quality gear that, previously, only the big league teams could invest in.


So if you're looking at our site wondering "What makes SquadLocker different?" we'd like to break down exactly how our service is totally unlike anything else currently on the market.


The Old Way Of Buying Custom Team Gear

Anyone who's done gear procurement for a smaller sports team in the last several decades has almost certainly gone through the same painful process.


First, of course, you have to have a logo. That's usually the easy part. Then you have to go researching third-party suppliers of gear, partnering with one or more companies and going through the bureaucracy involved with that, like setting up accounts and getting an Account Manager and so forth. This process by itself can take weeks.


Then when it comes to ordering the gear, everything has to be pre-ordered. This involves a huge up-front investment, generally in the thousands or even tens of thousands, and it's usually based on guesswork. Beyond the bare minimum needed to outfit the team itself, there's rarely a good way of knowing how much extra gear will sell to team members or fans.


And the result is often parents, teachers, coaches, or team administrators hauling around huge bins of gear in the back of their cars, hoping they'll be able to sell enough of it to justify the purchase. Of course, quite often, it doesn't sell and the entire venture becomes a money hole.


Then it's probably back to bake sales and candy drives to cover the losses.


At SquadLocker, we looked to change all of that. We wanted to make the creation and ordering of custom gear as simple and affordable as possible.


SquadLocker Brings Great Custom Gear To Everyone

SquadLocker takes all the advantages of an Amazon-style eCommerce system, and pairs it with on-demand item creation to completely streamline every step of the process.


Getting on board with SquadLocker doesn't take a few weeks; it takes a few minutes. After filling out your account details and uploading your team logo, you can then immediately start creating your own custom-branded online store, filled with whatever gear you might want to sell.


That store's website can then be distributed to everyone involved in the team, from players to parents to sponsors. They can browse it just like Amazon, using simple and secure credit card ordering to purchase the products they want.

Then we send it off to be created when it's ordered, rather than forcing you to pre-buy the equipment. This doesn't just save time and money. It opens up a whole new world of custom team gear.


Bringing Big League Gear To The Indies

For most smaller squads, it's difficult just getting a team properly outfitted with the basics necessary for play. Trying to carry a full range of products, like one might find at a big league team store, is simply a pipe dream.


But with SquadLocker, the sky is the limit: Branded footwear. Matching team gear bags. Hats and ball caps. A full variety of clothing, including pullovers, sweat gear, V-necks, socks, and more. Even better, you could carry non-standard sizes and shapes. Men's teams could still carry women's clothing, or vice-versa. Child-sized products are also just as easy to offer.


Since it's all created on-demand, you can provide every piece of gear your fans might want... and with a profit on every item.

It also builds team cohesion. It's undeniably impressive (and intimidating) when a team shows up to play with a fully-matching set of clothes, bags, and other pieces of equipment. SquadLocker lets you field a team that really looks like a million bucks.


The Future Of Branded Apparel And Accessories?

We're honestly excited to be building SquadLocker, and seeing the huge response we've gotten from teams, parents, coaches, and our growing network of sales partners. We aren't just changing how smaller teams buy their gear; we're changing the face of online custom apparel.


Best of all, it's free to get started! Take a tour, or go ahead and start building your own online store today.

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